Founders & Directors of Ikirwa
Bonded by their love of Tanzania and their dedication to making a difference in the world, Masha and Gasper were the perfect pair to bring the Ikirwa School Project to fruition. It is both of their goal to see Ikirwa School grow into school that develops bright minds and peaceful hearts that can share their education with their fellow Tanzanians.

Maria (Masha) Skuratovskaya
Masha has been an institutional fixed income portfolio manager with organizations such as Freddie Mac, the World Bank, and currently with the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation. Originally from Russia, she moved to the United States in her late teens to attend St. Margaret's High School. She completed her high school and college education by winning academic scholarships and receiving support from the local communities of the schools. Masha enjoys all things outdoors and currently lives in beautiful Juneau, Alaska and her husband and two sons. Ikirwa School Project is a tribute to all the wonderful teachers and organizations that gave her the courage and tools she needed to reach for the sky.